Distance Learning FAQs
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Distance Learning - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What date does school or distance learning begin, and what is the daily schedule?
School begins on Monday, August 24th at 8:00 am. Students will check in virtually to their classes as shown below:
What does online (distance learning) look like?
Instead of attending in a physical classroom, students will use the internet to connect to the CANVAS learning system, log in to their account page, click on the current class period, and they’re “in the classroom”. They will leave that class period when instruction or assignments are completed, and wait until the scheduled time for each period to log in throughout the day. Students will also be able to receive help from their teachers during the Academic Support period each afternoon – similar to after school tutoring. They may initiate contact with the teacher by emailing them. Click on the Canvas image below to go the Canvas sign in page.
What is my student’s school email address?
It is their six-digit school ID number, followed by @kernhigh.org. For example, it will look like [email protected] Incoming freshmen will receive a KHSD mailer during the week of 8/3/20 listing their six-digit ID number.
How does my student log into CANVAS for the first time?
After they have their six-digit ID, follow these instructions. They can also watch a very helpful and informative video below.
How do I get my student’s schedule of classes?
Once students have logged into CANVAS (after 8/3/20), the classes can be found by clicking on “Courses” in the left column. Students can also view their classes on their StudentVue account starting August 3rd. Click HERE for StudentVue set-up directions, or HERE for ParentVue set-up directions.
How do I check out a Chromebook?
A desktop or laptop computer with a camera and microphone is needed by each student throughout the day; Chromebooks have these features built in. Student schedules and those in need of a Chromebook are able to pick them up at the Central Valley office. Students will receive their student schedule for the 20-21 school year where all classes will be hosted through Distance Learning on the Canvas Learning Management System. Directions on how to log on to Canvas and Synergy will be provided. Students will also receive information regarding Counselors, Intervention and Social Emotional Support, Campus Policies and Yearbook information. Please contact the school between 7:30-2:00pm Monday-Friday at 661-746-4281 if you have any questions.
I don’t have Internet access. How will I log on?
There are a limited number of portable “hot spot” internet devices available for families in need to check out from the school. Once we receive them, we will update information on who is eligible for them.
When do we check out textbooks for the classes?
Textbook distribution will take place the week of August 18th-20th. Textbooks will be distributed at the Central Valley office. Here is the attached map for textbook distribution.
Not every teacher gave online assignments last spring. How will it be different this time?
Last spring, teachers were originally asked to develop two weeks of review or extra-practice lessons for their students during the gap before spring break. When the closure was extended through the end of the year, only a few teachers had previous experience with video conferencing software in order to teach students new content. Furthermore, the pass/fail grading system turned off many students from continuing their work once they found out they received a passing grade for the whole semester if they had a passing grade at the time school closed.
Among other things, we now have a daily schedule, teachers have been trained in CANVAS and video conferencing to be able to teach lessons, the teachers are assigned to work each day from their classrooms, resources and assignments have been developed throughout the summer in each subject area, Chromebooks are available to every student, and students will be graded once again on the A-F scale. While it will never be as good as in-person instruction, our teachers are ready for distance learning!
What is the grading system this semester?
We are returning to the A, B, C, D, NC grading system. Students and parents can review current grades and attendance (participation each period) by logging into StudentVue or ParentVue.
How do I get a ParentVue account?
Instructions for logging onto the ParentVue app with your cell phone are available here.
How do I contact a staff member?
You can email them by accessing the staff directory on our website or by using the teacher email link found after each course listed on StudentVue or ParentVue. Counselors may also be contacted directly by using this link. Use the additional links in the menu column for specific counselors.
What if my student cannot attend a class due to illness, doctor’s appointments, or other circumstance?
The parent will call our Attendance Line at 746-4821 to excuse absences the same way they would if students were on campus.
How is attendance taken?
Teachers can run reports through CANVAS showing student logins to their class, submissions of assignments or responses, and can see them during video conferences, unless their camera is turned off.
What supports are available for students with a 504 or Individualized Education Plan (IEP)?
[Coming Soon - once schedules and work hours for classified employees are determined]
My student has had difficulty coping with changes that have been occurring. Who can I contact for additional help?
All requests for support, including for academic or personal reasons begin with our Request for Scorpion Support which is then processed by our counselors. If requests for more specialized services are needed, the counselors will make the direct referrals to either our site psychologist, social worker, interventionist, nurse, behaviorist, or to an appropriate outside agency.
Will there be athletic teams and events this year?
Yes, but all seasons have been pushed back to at least January 2021, and some sports have been moved to a different season. Find the most current information here, but more to follow.
Will we have marching band, color guard, choir, drama and other fine arts performances?
Students are still enrolled in these classes throughout the day for credit, however, the performances associated with these cannot occur until safety protocols can be put in place which will allow it to be done safely and meet both District and local/state requirements. At this point, all regional and state-level competitions have been canceled or postponed.
Will students still attend ROP/CTEC classes?
The key component to ROP classes is hand’s-on learning, but it also requires many hours of textbook instruction and lecture. They will begin the year with the textbook learning.
Will you resume meal distribution when school begins?
Yes, all Shafter High School and Central Valley High School students are eligible to receive a combined breakfast and lunch meal for free by picking it up off Mannel Avenue by the Tennis Courts daily between the hours of 1:00-1:30pm. Lunch service will be as follows:
- Food will be served on Tuesday and Friday only while on Distance Learning.
- Tuesday: Breakfast, Lunch , Snack and Dinner to cover Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
- Friday: Breakfast, Lunch, Snack and Dinner to cover Monday and Tuesday.
Will the SAT or ACT exams be offered at Shafter High School?
At this time, ShHS is not scheduled to host any SAT or ACT exams. You do not have to test at your school site. Any changes to the testing schedule can be found at www.collegeboard.org.
Are the AP exams still scheduled to take place?
Yes, the College Board (company that operates the annual May testing) has stated they currently plan to offer the tests. If they must be cancelled, the College Board will refund the test fees.
Do you have an online version of the student handbook?
Yes, it is found here.
Call: 1-833-827-2855
Hours: Weekdays 8 am - 4 pm
Email: [email protected]
Students, parents, and staff who are in need of technical support can call (weekdays between 8:00 am and 4:00 pm) or email the KHSD Informational Technology Department for help with: Passwords, Synergy, ParentVue, StudentVue, or other technical issues. Click on the image below to go to the Kern High School District webpage for district wide information.