About Us
Our History
Central Valley High School (CVHS) is one of five continuation schools in the Kern High School District. CVHS services the students from the communities of Shafter, Buttonwillow, Belridge, and the surrounding rural areas. The school was established in September 1971 and, although it hasn’t always been at the same physical location, it retains a rich history and has celebrated many successful graduates that are prominent and contributing members of the community. CVHS provides an alternative educational setting for students who have been unsuccessful in a traditional high school identified by poor attendance, poor behavior, and low academic achievement. The goal of our program is to provide students with a caring and structured learning community that will address and remedy the issues that have prevented their academic achievement.
CVHS is a WASC accredited alternative high school for grades 11-12 in the Kern High School District. CVHS is also a Model California School (MCS) with Exemplary Program Recognitions in Art and in PBIS Implementation. See the announcement for the MCS award at this link: https://www.cde.ca.gov/nr/ne/yr24/yr24rel10.asp
Our Purpose
CVHS educates students who have been unsuccessful in a traditional high school setting. More than 90% of our students come from Shafter High School while the remaining students come from other schools in the Kern High School District, other Kern County Community Schools, and Court Schools. CVHS enrollment has grown to over 110 students each year. The objective of our program is to earn their high school diploma and to inspire them to endure and learn from adversity within their lives.
The Central Valley approach to student achievement begins with a rich and rigorous academic program. Individualized instruction and a small learning community provide opportunities for students who have struggled with school in the past. Our team of teachers and support staff create a positive learning environment that seeks to holistically address the individual needs of the students.
Our Staff
The staff at CVHS is composed of one site administrator, 7 teachers, a certificated On-campus Interventionist, an Intervention Specialist, one bilingual instructional assistant, one counselor, one office secretary, and two campus security supervisors. CVHS offers a comprehensive support network that includes mental health, behavioral support, and social and emotional support. The highly qualified staff collaborate for instructional support strategies and strive to improve and remedy attitudes, skills, and knowledge by providing a safe and positive learning environment. The instruction at CVHS is based on a curriculum that employs the California Content Standards. It allows for smaller class sizes and meets the needs of students with diverse learning styles. The counselor serves the academic, career, and personal needs of the CVHS student body.
The site administrator manages the needs of the students, instructional staff, and support staff. The school secretary conducts all administrative support functions related to the daily operations of the school. The campus security supervisors assist in establishing a clean and safe educational environment for both staff and students.
Our Facilities
CVHS has eight temporary classrooms and one temporary administrative building. The administrative building houses the site administrator office, the counseling office, and the secretary/reception area. Food services are conducted out of the Shafter High School cafeteria. CVHS provides one-to-one Chromebooks for its students.
The school year is composed of 180 days of instruction. The minimum instructional time required for continuation schools is 180 minutes per day or 15 hours a week. Regularly scheduled days consist of 345 minutes of instructional time, and the shortest scheduled day at CVHS includes 270 instructional minutes. In addition to core courses in English, math, science, and social studies, CVHS students have access to fine arts, business, CTE, and vocational pathways at the KHSD Regional Occupation Center. Students may also earn dual enrollment and articulated credit through Bakersfield College.
Principal's Message
Central Valley High School is committed to providing all students with programs and services that allow them to graduate from high school prepared to succeed in the workplace and at the postsecondary level. The staff at CVHS is dedicated to the success of each student. Students receive support academically as well as socially in order to become productive members of society.
Thank you,
Michael Akey
Site Administrator
Central Valley High School